Slovní spojení
Vyskytuje se v
bed: sb has made their bed, and now they must lie in itjak si kdo ustele, tak si lehne, co si kdo nadrobí, to si taky sní
come: as sth as they comehrozně, strašně, neskutečně hloupý ap.
love: there is no love lost between themnemají se (zrovna) v lásce
rest: And what about the rest of them?A co ti ostatní?
again: They may, but there again they may not.Mohou, ale taky nemusí.
all: He knows all about them.Ví o nich všechno.
another: They help one another.Pomáhají si (navzájem).
apiece: I gave them two apples apiece.Každému jsem dal dvě jablka.
around: They just hang around the harbor.Jen se tak poflakují v přístavu.
back: He shouted back at them.Zakřičel na ně zpátky.
be: They were killed by terrorists.Byli zabiti teroristy.
become: One never knows what will become of them.Člověk nikdy neví, co s nimi bude.
bedfellow: They are strange bedfellows.Je to zvláštní dvojice/pár.
between: What is the difference between them?Jaký je mezi nimi rozdíl?
bitch: They bitched about the service.Nadávali na obsluhu.
blow up: They blew the bridge up.Vyhodili most do vzduchu.
breathless: They were breathless with anticipation.Samým napětím ani nedýchali.
catch up: We must catch up with them.Musíme je dohonit.
charge: They are my charges.Mám je na starost.
close: They are closing on us.Dohánějí nás.
commission: They commissioned a study.Zadali studii.
concern: They expressed concern about ...Vyjádřili obavy ohledně ...
conflict: They are in conflict with ...Jsou ve sporu s ...
convulse: They were convulsed with laughter.Svíjeli se smíchy.
deploy: They deployed ground troops.Nasadili pozemní jednotky.
derive: They derive pleasure from helping others.Působí jim radost/Těší je, když pomáhají druhým.
detention: They were kept in detention.Byli (necháni)/Zůstali po škole.
different: How are they different?V čem se liší?
do: They were doing some 100 miles an hour.Jeli takových 100 mil za hodinu.
do: They don't want to work.Nechtějí pracovat.
do: They say they don't have it but they do.Říkají, že to nemají, ale mají.
each: He read each one of them.Přečetl je všechny.
fated: They were fated to meet.Bylo jim předurčeno setkat se.
fight: They had a big fight.Hrozně se pohádali.
get: They get a salary of 11 000 a year.Dostávají plat 11 000 ročně.
get: They got there without problems.Dostali se tam bez problémů.
get: Get it ready for them.Připrav to pro ně.
get: They had to get aid to where it was most needed.Museli dostat pomoc tam, kde jí bylo nejvíc třeba.
have: They wouldn't have it.Oni by to nestrpěli.
have: He said he had spoken to them.Řekl, že s nimi mluvil.
hold: They will hold a meeting.Uspořádají schůzi.
in: They all took part in the ceremony.Všichni se účastnili obřadu.
let: Let them not send it.Ať to neposílají.
like: They will bring him with, like as not.Nejspíš ho přivedou s sebou.
make: They've never made it home.Domů se už nikdy nedostali.
many: They weren't many.Nebylo jich mnoho.
may: They may have been tired.Možná, že byli unavení.
may: Both of them, I may say, are reliable.Mohu říci, že oba jsou spolehliví.
might: They might not have arrived yet.Je možné, že ještě nepřijeli.
misquote: They misquoted their prices.Uvedli/Udali špatně své ceny.
much: They sent as much as 6 million for charity.Poslali celých 6 milionů charitě.
outnumber: They were heavily outnumbered.Čelili silné početní převaze.
rob: They robbed a bank.Vyloupili banku.
short: They still fall short of ten pounds.Ještě jim něco chybí do deseti liber.
shunt: They were shunted to different jobs.Přesunuli je na jiné práce.
similar: They look similar.Jsou si podobní.
slow lane: They got into the slow lane.Začali ztrácet (dech)/zaostávat.
tell apart: I can never tell them apart.Nikdy je od sebe nemůžu rozeznat.
they: They are here.Jsou tady.
they: They say ...Říká se, Povídá se, Prý ...
unasked: They did it unasked.Udělali to, aniž by je někdo žádal.
unkempt: They had long unkempt hair.Měli dlouhé rozcuchané vlasy.
utterly: They were utterly defeated.Prohráli na celé čáře., Byli na hlavu poraženi.
venture: They ventured far from the fortress.Odvážili se daleko od pevnosti.
vocal: They are very vocal about it.Dávají to velmi hlasitě najevo.
wary: They keep a wary eye on it.Bedlivě to hlídají.
well: They might as well be robbers.Stejně tak to mohli být lupiči.
what: They had to use what money they had.Museli použít tolik peněz, kolik měli.
whether: whether they said it aloud or notať už to řekli nahlas nebo ne
while: They married a while ago.Vzali se před časem.
yet: They haven't come yet.Ještě nepřišli.
yoke: They are yoked by the contract.Jsou svázáni smlouvou.
hatch: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.Nechval dne před večerem., Neříkej hop, dokud nepřeskočíš.
say: They say ...Říká se ..., Prý ...
oni, ony, ona: s nimiwith them
oni, ony, ona: o/od nichabout/from them
oni, ony, ona: jim(to) them
všichni, všechny, všechna: všichni do jednohoevery single one (of them), each and every one