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go: my heart/sympathy goes out to him(sou)cítím s ním

he: HeBůh v náboženství

like: It's just like her/him.To je celá ona/celý on., To je pro ni/něj typické.

mind: Don't mind him.Nevšímej(te) si ho.

answer: He didn't answer the phone.Nebral (mi) to., Nezvedal telefon.

establish: He establish himself as a singer.Udělal si jméno jako zpěvák.

flick: He flicked me with a towel.Švihnul mě ručníkem.

glass: He glassed the hills.Prohlédl si kopce dalekohledem.

vexation: He kicked the box in vexation.Naštvaně kopl do krabice.

a, an: He is a teacher.Je učitel(em).

able: He was able to walk again.Mohl opět chodit.

about: He told me about it.Řekl mi o tom.

about: He is about to leave.Chystá se odejít., Je na odchodu.

above: He lifted his hands above his head.Zvedl ruce nad hlavu.

accident: He was involved in a car accident.Stal se účastníkem dopravní nehody.

account for: He will have to account for his action.Bude se za svůj čin muset zodpovídat.

across: He sat down across from Michael.Sedl si naproti Michalovi.

actuate: He was actuated by desire.Hnala ho touha.

after: After he told me that ...Potom, co mi to řekl ...

against: He was against the intervention.Byl proti intervenci.

airport: I will pick him up at the airport.Vyzvednu ho na letišti.

all: He knows all about them.Ví o nich všechno.

all: He has been all but forgotten.Byl téměř zapomenut.

allege: Reports allege that he was killed.Podle zpráv byl prý zabit.

among: He walked among the others.Šel mezi ostatními.

another: He is another Maradona.Je to druhý Maradona.

answer: What did he say in answer?Co na to odpověděl?

anxious: He was anxious to get back to work.Už se nemohl dočkat, až se vrátí do práce.

apart: He stood some distance apart.Stál kousek stranou.

apologetic: He was very apologetic.Velice se omlouval.

appearance: He made two TV appearances.Dvakrát vystoupil v televizi.

assess: He was assessed a two-minute penalty.Byl vyloučen na dvě minuty.

attack: He was attacked.Byl napaden.

available: He isn't available at the moment.Momentálně není k zastižení.

back: He shouted back at them.Zakřičel na ně zpátky.

back: He was shot in the back.Střelili ho do zad.

be: He is a very strong man.Je to velmi silný muž.

be: It was him she didn't like.To jeho neměla ráda.

be: He was as quiet as could be.Byl co nejvíc potichu.

be: What is he trying to do?O co se to pokouší?

be: He is to come too.Má přijít také.

bed: He is confined to bed.Je upoutaný na lůžko.

behind: He left the car behind the house.Nechal auto za domem.

behind: He closed the door behind him.Zavřel za sebou dveře.

better: He was all the better for it.Jen mu to prospělo., Bylo to pro něj jen dobře.

blow: He blew on his tea to cool it.Fouknul do čaje, aby ho zchladil.

blow: He has blown it again.Zase to zbabral.

blow: He received a blow to the face.Dostal ránu do obličeje.

borrow: He borrowed 50 pounds from me.Půjčil si ode mě 50 liber.

bring around: He was brought round.Přivedli ho k vědomí.

bring up: He was brought up by his grandma.Vychovala ho babička.

British: He's British.Je to Brit.

but: She could not but congratulate him.Nemohla jinak, než mu gratulovat.

but: But for you, he would have escaped.Nebýt tebe, byl by utekl.

by: He is a head taller.Je o hlavu větší.

can: He can't help it.Nemůže si pomoci.

can: He can't have done it.On to nemohl udělat.

capable: He is capable of anything.Je schopný všeho.

captivate: He was captivated by her beauty.Byl uchvácen její krásou.

care: He doesn't care about it.Je mu to jedno., Nezáleží mu na tom.

cast: He's often cast as a baddie.Často hraje role padouchů.

championship: Will he take the championship?Získá mistrovský titul?

charge: He was charged with ...Byl obviněn z ...

charge: He faces several charges.Čelí několika obviněním.

come: It came to him ...Napadlo ho ...

come out: He came out very badly.Dopadl velice špatně.

compunction: He had no compunction about doing that.Udělal to bez jakýchkoli výčitek svědomí.

correct: He was correct to reject it.Bylo správné, že to odmítl.

could: He could barely walk.Jen stěží mohl jít.

could: He could be out in two months.Mohl by být venku za dva měsíce.

could: He couldn't have been more than 12.Nemohlo mu být víc než 12.

court: He was in court for ...Byl u soudu kvůli ...

crazy: He was crazy to go there.Bylo to od něho šílenství tam jít.

criticism: He came under strong criticism.Byl ostře kritizován.

cut: He cut his finger.Řízl se do prstu.

cut: He cut his (first) tooth.Prořezal se mu první zub. dítěti

danger: He is in danger of losing his job.Hrozí mu, že přijde o práci.

deal: He deals in fruits.Obchoduje s ovocem.

dearly: That cost him dearly.i přen. To ho přišlo draho.

dearly: He paid dearly for his mistake.Za svůj omyl draze zaplatil.

decapitate: He was decapitated.Byl sťat.

decent: He was very decent to me.Byl ke mně velmi slušný.

decide: He decided that the tank was empty.Usoudil, že je prázdná nádrž.

degree: He's doing a degree in chemistry.Studuje chemii (na vysoké)

delay: He delayed his departure.Odložil svůj odjezd.

diagnose: He was diagnosed with cancer.Zjistili mu rakovinu.

discover: It was discovered that he had been there too.Zjistilo se, že tam byl také.

disqualify: He was disqualified from driving for two years.Byl mu na dva roky odebrán řidičský průkaz.

do: What is he doing with it?Co s tím dělá?

do: All he does is complain.Jenom si pořád stěžuje.