anyone : If anyone deserves it, it's you. Jestli si to někdo zaslouží, pak jsi to ty.
business : It's not your business. To není tvoje věc., Po tom ti nic není.
do : How did you do? Jak se ti dařilo?, Jak ti to šlo?
do : Do you like it? Líbí se ti to ?
do : You don't have it, do you? Ty to nemáš, nebo snad ano?
how : How was it? Jaké to bylo?, Jak se ti to líbilo?
inconvenient : If it is inconvenient for you ... Jestli ti to nevyhovuje/se ti to nehodí ...
issue : That is not the issue. O to (tu) nejde.
like : Did you like it? Líbilo se ti to ?
long : Don't be long. Brzy se vrať., Ať ti to dlouho netrvá.
make : It will make your life easier. Usnadní ti to život.
play : Shall I play the CD for you? Mám ti to CD pustit?
there : I can help you there. V tom ti mohu pomoci.
would : If I had known it, I would have told you. Kdybych to byl věděl, byl bych ti to řekl.
finder : hovor. Finders keepers.Kdo to našel, toho to je.
right : It serves you right. Dobře ti tak., Patří ti to.
bezpochyby : Bezpochyby ti to řekl. He has no doubt told you.
dát : Kdo ti to dal? Who gave it to you?
do : Do toho ti nic není. That's none of your business.
hodit se : Hodí se ti to příští týden? Is next week OK for you?, Does next week suit you?
jít : O to tu nejde. That's not the point here.
po : Po tom ti nic není., Co je ti po tom? That's none of your business.
projít : To ti neprojde.You won't get away with this.
prosit : To bych prosil!je to tak I should think/hope so!, Jistě Sure!
připomínat : Připomíná ti to něco? Does it ring a bell?
řídit : Kdo to tu řídí? Who is in charge here?
sežrat : To ti nesežeru.I won't buy this., Tell it to the marines., BrE Pull the other one.
ti : Kdo ti to dal? Who gave it to you?
ti : Já ti to vysvětlím. I will explain it to you.
ti : Líbí se ti to ? Do you like it?
ti : To ti bylo něco!Oh man, that was something!
usnadnit : Usnadní ti to život. It will make your life easier.
uškodit : To ti nijak neuškodí.It will do you no harm.
zabrat : Jak dlouho ti to zabere? How long will it take you?
zbaštit : To ti nezbaštím neuvěřím !I won't buy this!, BrE Tell it to the marines!
a : A je to ! (And) that's it!, to bychom měli So that's that!, hotovo Done!, je to snadné And bob's your uncle.
hasnout : Tím to hasne.That's the end of the matter., That's it.
tu : tu - tam, kde - tu , tu - onde zde - tam ap. here - there