Hlavní obsah

ti, ty, ta


  1. (známí ze souvislosti) the, thoseKde jsou ty papíry?Where are the papers?ti, kdo ...those who ...
  2. (tamti, tamty) those(tito) thesety knihy na policithose books on the shelfTi z vás, kteří ...Those of you who ...
  3. (oni) they

Vyskytuje se v

anyone: If anyone deserves it, it's you.Jestli si to někdo zaslouží, pak jsi to ty.

business: It's not your business.To není tvoje věc., Po tom ti nic není.

do: How did you do?Jak se ti dařilo?, Jak ti to šlo?

do: Do you like it?Líbí se ti to?

do: You don't have it, do you?Ty to nemáš, nebo snad ano?

go for: The same goes for you.Pro tebe to platí taky.

how: How was it?Jaké to bylo?, Jak se ti to líbilo?

inconvenient: If it is inconvenient for you ...Jestli ti to nevyhovuje/se ti to nehodí ...

issue: That is not the issue.O to (tu) nejde.

like: Did you like it?Líbilo se ti to?

long: Don't be long.Brzy se vrať., Ať ti to dlouho netrvá.

make: It will make your life easier.Usnadní ti to život.

play: Shall I play the CD for you?Mám ti to CD pustit?

there: I can help you there.V tom ti mohu pomoci.

way: Are you interested in it in any way?Zajímá to vůbec?

would: If I had known it, I would have told you.Kdybych to byl věděl, byl bych ti to řekl.

finder: hovor. Finders keepers.Kdo to našel, toho to je.

right: It serves you right.Dobře ti tak., Patří ti to.

bezpochyby: Bezpochyby ti to řekl.He has no doubt told you.

dát: Kdo ti to dal?Who gave it to you?

do: Do toho ti nic není.That's none of your business.

hodit se: Hodí se ti to příští týden?Is next week OK for you?, Does next week suit you?

tu: tu - tam, kde - tu, tu - ondezde - tam ap. here - there

jít: O to tu nejde.That's not the point here.

mrzet: To bude mrzet.You're going to regret it.

napadnout: to ani nenapadne!Don't even think about it!, Don't you dare!

naučit: Kdo to naučil?Who taught you that?

omlouvat: To neomlouvá.That's no excuse!

po: Po tom ti nic není., Co je ti po tom?That's none of your business.

projít: To ti neprojde.You won't get away with this.

prosit: To bych prosil!je to tak I should think/hope so!, Jistě Sure!

připomínat: Připomíná ti to něco?Does it ring a bell?

řídit: Kdo to tu řídí?Who is in charge here?

sežrat: To ti nesežeru.I won't buy this., Tell it to the marines., BrE Pull the other one.

tebe, tě: Tebe to nezajímá?Are you not interested in it?

ti: Kdo ti to dal?Who gave it to you?

ti: ti to vysvětlím.I will explain it to you.

ti: Líbí se ti to?Do you like it?

ti: To ti bylo něco!Oh man, that was something!

tobě: Tobě to nevadí?Don't you mind it?

usnadnit: Usnadní ti to život.It will make your life easier.

uškodit: To ti nijak neuškodí.It will do you no harm.

vidět: Ať už tu nevidím.Get lost.

zabrat: Jak dlouho ti to zabere?How long will it take you?

zbaštit: To ti nezbaštím neuvěřím!I won't buy this!, BrE Tell it to the marines!

a: A je to!(And) that's it!, to bychom měli So that's that!, hotovo Done!, je to snadné And bob's your uncle.

draze: To přijde draho.It will cost you dear.

hasnout: Tím to hasne.That's the end of the matter., That's it.

posílit: Co tě nezabije, to posílí.Things that won't kill you will make you stronger.