Vyskytuje se v
extort: They were extorting money from her.Vydírali ji.
be: They were killed by terrorists.Zabili je teroristi.
bedfellow: They are strange bedfellows.Je to zvláštní dvojice/pár.
breathless: They were breathless with anticipation.Samým napětím ani nedýchali.
charge: They are my charges.Mám je na starost.
close: They are closing on us.Dohánějí nás.
conflict: They are in conflict with ...Jsou ve sporu s ...
convulse: They were convulsed with laughter.Svíjeli se smíchy.
course: They are on course for victory.Směřují k vítězství.; Mají našlápnuto na výhru.
detention: They were kept in detention.Byli (necháni)/Zůstali po škole.
do: They were doing some 100 miles an hour.Jeli takových 100 mil za hodinu.
fated: They were fated to meet.Bylo jim předurčeno setkat se.
go: They are making a go of it.Pěkně jim to klape.
many: They weren't many.Nebylo jich mnoho.
meant: They were meant for each other.Jsou si souzeni.
outnumber: They were heavily outnumbered.Čelili silné početní převaze.
shunt: They were shunted to different jobs.Přesunuli je na jiné práce.
suited: They are well suited to each other.Dobře se k sobě hodí.
underpaid: They are seriously underpaid.Jsou silně platově podhodnocení.
up: They are up for review.Teprve čekají na přezkoumání.
utterly: They were utterly defeated.Prohráli na celé čáře.; Byli na hlavu poraženi.
vocal: They are very vocal about it.Dávají to velmi hlasitě najevo.
yoke: They are yoked by the contract.Jsou (vzájemně) svázáni smlouvou.
hatch: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.Nechval dne před večerem.; Neříkej hop, dokud nepřeskočíš.
blokovat: Blokují vchod.They are blocking the entrance.
dojmout: Byli hluboce dojati.They were deeply moved.
házet: Házeli na policisty kameny.They were throwing stones at the police.
jich: Kolik jich je?How many are they?; How many of them are there?
manžel: Jak dlouho už jsou manželé?How long have they been married?
muset: Museli přistát.They were forced to land.
nadchnout: Opravdu je to nadchlo.They were really enthused/impressed by it.
okolo: Seděli okolo ohně.They were sitting around the fire.
smést: Oba je smetl proud.They were both swept away by the current.
starý: Jsou stejně staří.They are (of) the same age.
svůj, svá, své, svoje: Jsou svoji už 20 let.They've been married for 20 years.
they: They are here.Jsou tady.
tlouct: Tloukli ho holemi.They were beating him with sticks.
uvěznit: Byli uvězněni na doživotí.They were imprisoned for life.
vést: Vedou o dvě branky.They are leading by two goals.; They have a two-goal lead.; They are up (by) two goals.
vést se: Vede se jim dobře. nestrádají ap.They are well off.
vidět: Byli tam viděni.They were seen there.
vyhnat: Byli vyhnáni ze země.They were expelled from the country.
vyhostit: Byli vyhoštěni (ze země)...They were expelled (from the country) ...
vyšetřovat: Vyšetřují vraždu.They are investigating a murder.
vzmoct se: Konečně se vzmohli na auto.They were finally able to buy a car.
hrabat se: Kam se na něj hrabou.They can't hold a candle to him.; They are no match for him.
přeskočit: Neříkej hop, dokud nepřeskočíš.Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.