Vyskytuje se v
able: He was able to walk again.Mohl opět chodit.
accident: He was involved in a car accident.Stal se účastníkem dopravní nehody.
actuate: He was actuated by desire.Hnala ho touha.
against: He was against the intervention.Byl proti intervenci.
allege: Reports allege that he was killed.Podle zpráv byl prý zabit.
another: He is another Maradona.Je to druhý Maradona.
anxious: He was anxious to get back to work.Už se nemohl dočkat, až se vrátí do práce.
apologetic: He was very apologetic.Velice se omlouval.
assess: He was assessed a two-minute penalty.Byl vyloučen na dvě minuty.
attack: He was attacked.Byl napaden.
available: He isn't available at the moment.Momentálně není k zastižení.
back: He was shot in the back.Střelili ho do zad.
be: He is a very strong man.Je to velmi silný muž.
be: He was as quiet as could be.Byl co nejvíc potichu.
be: He is to come too.Má přijít také.
bed: He is confined to bed.Je upoutaný na lůžko.
better: He was all the better for it.Jen mu to prospělo.; Bylo to pro něj jen dobře.
bring around: He was brought round.Přivedli ho k vědomí.
bring up: He was brought up by his grandma.Vychovala ho babička.
by: He is a head taller.Je o hlavu větší.
capable: He is capable of anything.Je schopný všeho.
captivate: He was captivated by her beauty.Byl uchvácen její krásou.
catch on: Then I caught on to what he was saying.Pak mi došlo, co vlastně říká.
charge: He was charged with murder.Byl obviněn z vraždy.
churchgoer: He is a regular churchgoer.Chodí pravidelně do kostela.
correct: He was correct to reject it.Bylo správné, že to odmítl.
court: He was in court for ...Byl u soudu kvůli ...
crazy: He was crazy to go there.Bylo to od něho šílenství tam jít.
danger: He is in danger of losing his job.Hrozí mu, že přijde o práci.
decapitate: He was decapitated.Byl sťat.
decent: He was very decent to me.Byl ke mně velmi slušný.
diagnose: He was diagnosed with cancer.Zjistili mu rakovinu.
disorderly: He was drunk and disorderly.Dopouštěl se výtržností v opilosti.
disqualify: He was disqualified from driving for two years.Byl mu na dva roky odebrán řidičský průkaz.
eager: He was eager to do it.Byl celý žhavý to udělat.
easy: He is an easy person to get along with.Je snadné s ním vyjít.
either: He was never either frank or fair.Nebyl nikdy ani upřímný, ani spravedlivý.
eligible: He is not eligible for a scholarship.Nemá nárok na stipendium.; Nesplňuje požadavky na stipendium.
enough: He was old enough to work.Byl dost starý na to, aby mohl pracovat.
every: He was making every effort.Vynakládal veškeré úsilí.
expect: He is expecting you.Už vás očekává.
find: He was found guilty of ...Byl shledán vinným z ...
floor: He was floored by the news.Zpráva mu vyrazila dech.; Byl z té zprávy úplně vedle.
fluent: He is fluent in Spanish.Mluví plynně španělsky.
get: He was getting breakfast as usual.Chystal snídani jako obvykle.
good: He is good at languages.Je dobrý na jazyky.; Jazyky mu jdou.
grant: He was granted a visa.Dostal vízum.
great: He is great at tennis.Je hodně dobrý v tenise.
half: He isn't half as clever as he'd thought.Není ani zdaleka tak chytrý, jak si myslel.
hang: He was hanged for murder.Byl oběšen za vraždu.