Hlavní obsah



  1. (otázka na místo) where (to)Kam jdeš?Where are you going?
  2. (určení místa) where(kamkoli) whereverChodím si, kam chci.I go wherever I want.
  3. (někam) somewhere(zápor) nowhereNemá kam jít.He has nowhere to go.

Vyskytuje se v

jet: Kam jedeme?Where are we going?

jít: Kam jdeš/jdete?Where are you going?

mířit: Kam tím míříš?What are you getting at?; Where are you going with this?

patřit: Kam patří ta židle?Where does the chair go to?

podít se: Kam se poděl?Where did he go?

položit: Kam to mám položit?Where shall I put it?

postavit: Kam to mám postavit?Where shall I put it?

schovat: Kam jsi to schoval?Where did you hide it?

směřovat: Kam tím směřujete?What are you getting at/trying to say?

spěchat: Kam (tak) spěcháš?What's the hurry?

spěchat: Není kam spěchat.There is no hurry.

vést: Kam vede tato cesta?Where does this road go to?

vézt: Kam ho vezete?Where are you taking him?

zařadit: Kam byste zařadil tuto rostlinu?How would you classify this plant?

zařadit: Nevěděl jsem, kam ho zařadit.I didn't know where to put him.

hrabat se: Kam se na něj hrabou.They can't hold a candle to him.; They are no match for him.