Nedokonavé sloveso
- (zvíře) co eat sth, feed on sth
- zhrub.(o lidech) co gorge osf on sth, pig out on sthzhrub.BrE pig osf
- expr.(mít spotřebu) co use up, consume, drink (petrol) sthTo auto hrozně žere.The car is a (real) gas guzzler., The car drinks petrol like it's going out of fashion.
- expr.(štípat, hmyz ap.) koho be/keep biting sb
- koho (trápit) eat sb, bug sbexpr.hl. BrE niggle sbCo tě žere?What's eating you?, slang. What crawled up your ass?
- expr.(dělat horlivě) co be (over)enthusiastic about sth, be too keen on sthexpr.(vyžívat se) v čem revel in sth