šmrnc: dodat šmrnc čemupep up; jazz up; ginger up sth
courage: pluck up the/lose couragedodat si odvahy/ztratit odvahu
credence: lend credence to sthdodat na věrohodnosti čemu
ease: set sb's mind at easeuklidnit koho, dodat komu klid na duši
instil: instil confidence in sbdodat (sebe)jistoty komu
pep: put some pep in sthokořenit, oživit co, dodat šmrnc čemu
screw up: screw one's/the couragesebrat odvahu, dodat si odvahy
shine: give sth (a) shinedodat lesku čemu, nablýskat co
taste: give taste to sthdodat chuť čemu, ochutit co
afterthought: say sth as an afterthoughtbez rozmýšlení dodat co v řeči
encourage: I was encouraged by the report.Ta zpráva mi dodala odvahy.