Hlavní obsah


Nedokonavé sloveso i dokonavé sloveso

  1. (postačovat) suffice, do(být dost) be enough/sufficient sthBude to stačit?Will it do?Stačilo vám? o jídle ap.Have you had enough?Stačí!Enough!Stačí si to přečíst.You only have to read it., All you have/need to do is read it.To stačí, aby by člověk úspěšný.That's all it takes to be successful.To nestačí.That is not enough., That won't do.Stačilo málo, a byl by vyhrál.He came within an ace of winning., He was close to winning.
  2. (mít schopnosti) na co be equal to sth, be able to manage sth(vypořádat se s) can cope with sthnestačit na cobe unequal to sth, (i ve vodě) be out one's depth
  3. (držet krok) komu keep up with sb, maintain the pace with sbPočkej, nestačím ti!Wait, I can't keep up (with you)!
  4. (stihnout) manage, be managing, have time for

Vyskytuje se v

bohatě: To bude bohatě stačit.It will do nicely., It'll be more than enough.