Nechtěli jste hledat:
doin(to), to
doutblow*, gust, bluster
dátgive* , let* have* , hand (over)
dát sestart, begin*, embark on, set* about , get* down to, set* out, burst* into
dít sehappen, be* going on, occur, be* wrong
dogaGreat Dane
dokdock, dockage, docking facility
botashoe, boot
potsweat, perspiration
šotshot, scene, clip, commercial
dostenough, sufficiently, adequately
dortcake, gateau, pie, flan
dojitmilk, be* milking
došlýreceived, incoming, delivered
dotacesubsidy, grant, endowment, subvention
dotačnísubsidy, ... of subsidies, ... of grants
dotáhnoutdrag, haul, lug
dotahovatbe* catching up, be* drawing level
dotahovat sebe* closing, be* gaining
dotazquestion, query, inquiry
dotázaný(person) asked, respondent
dotázat seask , inquire/enquire , query
dotazníkquestionnaire, form