Vyskytuje se v
for: What is it good for?K čemu to je dobré?
copak: Copak tě trápí?What's worrying you?; What is it that worries you?
jednat se: O co se jedná? co mi chceteWhat is it (about)?; What is the matter?
jít: O co jde?What is it (about)?; What is the matter?; What's (all) this about?
k: K čemu to je?What is it (good) for?
mít: Co to má být?What is it supposed to be?
nazývat se: Jak se to nazývá?What is it called?
o: O co jde?What is it (about)?
oč: Oč běží?What is it/the problem?
sloužit: K čemu to slouží?What is it used/does it serve for?
znamenat: Co to má znamenat?What is it supposed to mean?