Hlavní obsah

he will


herji, jí, ní, ni, ona

willvůle, odhodlání

Vyskytuje se v

account for: He will have to account for his action.Bude se za svůj čin muset zodpovídat.

but: But for you, he would have escaped.Nebýt tebe, byl by utekl.

remain: He will have to remain in hospital for a week.Bude muset týden zůstat v nemocnici.

would: He said he would come.Řekl, že přijde.

would: He would go to bed early.Chodíval spát brzy.

: Přijede až zítra.He won't come until tomorrow.

by: Kdyby to byl věděl, byl by ti pomohl.If he had known that, he would have helped you.

jestli: Zeptej se ho, jestli přijde.Ask him whether he will come.

okamžik: Bude tu za okamžik.He will be here in a minute.

poradit: Nedá si (ode mě) poradit.He won't take my advice.

přát si: Přála si, aby zemřel.She wished he would die.

takto: Takhle se daleko nedostane.He won't get far like this.

utrhnout: On ti hlavu neutrhne.He won't bite your head off.

vyzradit: Vyzradí nás.He will give us away.

vzkázat: Vzkázal, že se opozdí.He sent word that he would be late.

zahanbit: Nenechal se zahanbit.He wouldn't be put to shame., He wouldn't be outdone.

zírat: Ten bude zírat!He won't believe his eyes!

znát: Nedal by to na sobě znát.He wouldn't show (it).

kuře: Neublížil by ani kuřeti.He wouldn't hurt a fly.

utrhnout: podej mu prst, a utrhne ti rukugive him an inch and he will take a mile