Nechtěli jste hledat:
doledown, downstairs, below, underneath, beneath, in/at the bottom
důlmine, pit, workings
dogaGreat Dane, mastiff
dusitsuffocate, smother, asphyxiate
dusit sesuffocate, be* suffocating, choke
děshorror, terror, nightmare, dread, fright
děsitscare, terrify, frighten
děsit sedread, fear (greatly), be* scared
dojitmilk, be* milking
důmhouse, building
doin(to), to
doběhfinish, run-in , run
doběhnoutrun*, get* , reach (by running), finish, come* in
dobíjecírechargeable, recharging, recharge
dobíjetrecharge, reload
dobírat sitease , make* fun , poke fun , rib
dobírkacash on delivery, collect on delivery, C. O. D.