Nechtěli jste hledat:
celacell, dungeon
čeloforehead, brow
jetgo* , take*
melacommotion, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil
mlítmill, grind*, mince
mlít sefidget, move restlessly, shuffle around
sítsow*, seed
chmelhop (plant)
cílgoal, finish, target
zetgape, yawn
chechtánílaughter, laughing, guffaw
chechtat selaugh loudly , guffaw, bray, laugh heartily, hoot with laughter
chechtot(loud) laughter, guffaw, belly laugh, gale of laughter
chemičkachemical plant
chemička(female) chemist
chemikáliechemical, chemicals
chemoterapiechemotherapy, chemo (treatment)