Nechtěli jste hledat:
dotektouch, contact, taction
notesnotebook, (note)pad, jotter, writing pad
donéstbring* , fetch, get* , carry, take*
donést secarry, be* carried , reach ears
dnestoday, on this day
dresshirt, jersey, uniform, strip
útescliff, reef, crag
doin(to), to
doteďup to now/the present, to date
dotěrnýimportunate, troublesome, hard to shake off, tiresome, intrusive
dotírajícípestering, nagging, badgering
dotíratpester, badger, importune , nag, chivvy , harass, tackle
dotiskreprint(ing), reimpression, additional issue
dotisknoutreprint , make* a reprint, make* an additional issue
dotknout setouch , finger
dotočitfinish, empty