Hlavní obsah

they have

theyoni, ony, ona

havemít , vlastnit

Vyskytuje se v

fight: They had a big fight.Hrozně se pohádali.

get: They had to get aid to where it was most needed.Museli dostat pomoc tam, kde jí bylo nejvíc třeba.

what: They had to use what money they had.Museli použít tolik peněz, kolik měli.

dosud: Dosud nedorazili.They haven't arrived yet.

mimoto: Mimoto ani nemají smlouvu.Besides, they haven't even got a contract.

ovládat: Ovládají základy angličtiny.They have a basic command of English.

podobný: Mají podobný vkus.They have similar tastes.

vést: Vedou o dvě branky.They are leading by two goals.; They have a two-goal lead.; They are up (by) two goals.