Hlavní obsah


dovéstguide, take*, bring* , show*

dovéstcan , be* able , know*

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dovést: Dělám to, jak nejlépe dovedu.I do it to the best of my ability.

nejlépe: Udělal to, jak nejlépe dovedl.He did it as best he could.

vysvětlit: Nedovedu si to vysvětlit.I don't understand it.; I see/have no explanation for this.

zdárný: dovést co ke zdárnému koncibring sth to a successful conclusion; finish sth successfully

can: I can take care of myself.Dovedu se o sebe postarat.

dovést: Dovedu vás tam.I will take you there.

dovést: Doveďte ho s sebou.Bring him with you.