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Nechtěli jste hledat:

chtítwant , fancy, wish

chtít sefeel* like , feel* an urge, be* inclined , be* in the mood

chatrnýflimsy, unsound, infirm, decrepit, shabby, shaky, frayed, tattered, ramshackle, tumbledown, frail, run-down

chcátpiss, leak

chcípákweakling, scrag, bag of bones

chcíplýdead, played out, drained of energy

chcípnoutdie, kick the bucket, peg out, pop off, snuff it

chechtánílaughter, laughing, guffaw

chechtat selaugh loudly , guffaw, bray, laugh heartily, hoot with laughter

chechtot(loud) laughter, guffaw, belly laugh, gale of laughter


chemičkachemical plant