Nechtěli jste hledat:
prosomillet, panic grass
prositask, beg , implore
prohnoutbend*, curve, bow
prohnout sebend*, curve, sag, buckle, arch
protnout se, protít seintersect, cross (each other)
pronéstutter , deliver, give*
pronést seget* too heavy to carry, become*/grow* heavy/heavier
tonustone, tonus, tonicity
tonoutbe* drowning
profor , for the sake of , yea
promnoutrub, knead
propnoutextend, stretch, straighten
prožítspend*, pass, live out
pronajatýrented, hired, leasehold, charter
pronájemlease, rental, hire, charter, renting, tenancy
pronajímatellessor, landlord
pronajímatelnýrentable, leasable
pronajmoutrent, let* (out), lease , hire out
pronajmout sirent, hire, charter
pronajmutírent(ing), lease, charter
pronásledovánípersecution, victimization
pronásledovanýpersecuted, victimized