Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

minoutgo* past, pass (by), travel by

minout semiss each other, pass each other

můj, má, mé, mojemy, mine, of mine

močiturinate, pass water


mořesea, ocean, the briny

mořitstain, dip , stain by dipping

mořitbother, annoy, pester, torment

mořit setoil (away) , struggle , labour , plug away , drudge

linout sewaft, float, emanate

vinoutwind, wrap, reel

vinout secoil, twine

moknoutbe* (out) in the rain

řinout sepour, run*, stream, gush, trickle

šinout semove slowly, nose, walk slowly

mocvery (much), a lot, heaps, a great deal, mightily, awfully, badly

mocpower, potency

molclothes moth, tineid (moth)


morplague, pest(ilence), black death

činaction, act, deed

množstvíamount, quantity , number, volume

mobilmobile (phone), cell(phone), cellular phone

mobiliářfurniture, house/home contents, movables


mobilizacemobilization, mobilisation

mobilizačnímobilization, mobilisation


mobilnímobile, movable

mobilnostmobility, movability