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  • their(samostatné) theirs(za podst. jménem) of theirsTy nejsou jejich.Those are not theirs.jejich starý přítelan old friend of theirsJá na jejich místě ...If I were them ...

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sílit: Jejich vliv sílí.Their influence grows stronger.

splést si: Spletl si jejich jména.He mixed their names up.

věc: To není jejich věc.It's not their concern/none of their business.

apart: Their views are miles apart.Jejich názory jsou od sebe na hony vzdálené.

apart: I can't tell their twins apart.Jejich dvojčata od sebe nerozeznám.

drum: drum of their feetdunění jejich nohou

evidence: Their attitude is evidenced in ...Jejich postoj se projevuje v ...

theirs: It was his fault, not theirs.Byla to jeho chyba, ne jejich.

theirs: uncle of theirsjejich strýček

unimpressed: He was totally unimpressed by their performance.Jejich výkon na něj nijak nezapůsobil.