Hlavní obsah


trefithit*, strike*

trefit sehit* , guess right

Vyskytuje se v

cíl: trefit cílhit the target

trefit se: trefit/netrefit se do terčehit/miss the target

hřebíček: trefit hřebíček na hlavičkuhit the nail on the head, hit the right note

post: hit the posttrefit tyč

pothole: hit a potholevjet do díry, hovor. trefit díru v silnici

trefit: netrefit comiss sth

trefit: hovor. koho trefil šlak mrtvicesb had a stroke

trefit: Trefil ho míčem do hlavy.He hit him in the head with the ball.

trefit: Netrefím tam.I don't know the way.