Hlavní obsah


osmý(the) eighth


Vyskytuje se v

nastavit: Nastav budík na půl osmou.Set the alarm clock for seven thirty.

tisíc: tisíc osm set dvacet letopočeteighteen twenty

vstát: Vstal jsem v osm hodin.I got up at eight o'clock.

divide: 8 divided by 4osm děleno čtyřmi

before: Don't call before eight.Nevolej před osmou.

from: Two from eight leaves six.Osm bez dvou je šest.

manage: We won't manage it before eight.Před osmou to nestihneme.

meet: Meet me at the station at eight.Sejdeme se na nádraží v osm.

seat: This van seats eight.Tento mikrobus je pro osm osob.