Nechtěli jste hledat:
spodkylong johns, underpants, briefs
spodeklower part, bottom (part), the underneath, underside
spojkaconnector, connection, connecting piece
spoleksociety, association, club, fellowship
slokastanza, strophe, verse
stokasewer, gutter
sponaclip, fastener, clasp, buckle
spordispute , argument, controversy, disagreement
skokjump, leap, spring
sponkaclip, clasp, fastener
spot(commercial) spot
spočívatlie, rest, lean*
spodemthrough the lower part
spodinascum, dregs, riff-raff
spodnílower, bottom, underneath
spodničkaunderskirt, half-slip, waist-slip, petticoat
spojjoint, link, connection, splice