Nechtěli jste hledat:
ploutsail, voyage , raft
sloučitunite, unify, combine, merge, amalgamate
sloučit secombine, merge, unite
slunit sesun , sunbathe, bask (in the sun)
slušetsuit, become* , look good
slušet sebe* proper, be* approriate, behove
sloužitserve , attend (to), wait on
snovatspin* , warp
slítstrain, decant
slít seflow together, merge
slotabad weather
slujcave, cavern
sluhaservant, manservant, houseman, valet
sluch(sense of) hearing, ears
sluchadlohearing aid, deaf aid
sluchátkoreceiver, earphone, earpiece
sluchátkovýreceiver, headphone
sluchověin terms of hearing, by hearing
sluchovodauditory meatus, (external) auditory canal
sluchovýauditory, (of) hearing, aural