Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

obrgiant, ogre

obratturn, turnabout

obratpick (off) , pick, pluck

obranadefence, defense

obrazpicture, painting, canvas

obrátitturn (over), flip (over), toss

obrátit seturn over

oparherpes, cold sore, fever blister, oral herpes, herpes labialis

oborbranch, field, domain, profession, line (of work), subject, discipline

obora(game) enclosure, game park/preserve, forest

obrnaparalysis, palsy


ovarcooked pig's head/pork jowl

obrábětwork, machine, tool

obracecíturning, tossing

obraceč(hay) tedder, (hay) turner

obracečka(food) turner, fish slice, spatula

obráceněthe other way around, reversely, in the opposite way, upside down, the wrong way up, back to front, vice versa


obrácenýreverse(d), upturned, converse, inverse

obracetturn, flip , toss

obracet seturn (over), toss and turn