Nechtěli jste hledat:
mírnittemper, calm down, tame
mírnit secontrol , moderate temper, cut* down
mírnýmild, moderate, gentle, modest, slight, temperate, soft, genial, clement, balmy, subtle
neno, nope, not
nesmírnostenormousness, enormity, immensity
nemilýunpleasant, displeasing
nemístnostinappropriateness, unsuitability
nemístnýinappropriate, unseemly, unbecoming, improper, misplaced, untimely
NěmkaGerman (woman)
nemluvataciturn/untalkative person, a man of few words
nemluvě onot to speak of, not speaking of, not to mention, to say nothing of
nemluvněinfant, baby
nemluvnosttaciturnity, reticence, incommunicativeness
nemluvnýtaciturn, untalkative, incommunicative
nemnohonot many, a few, not much, a little