Nechtěli jste hledat:
kto, toward(s)
krbfireplace, hearth
kra(ice) floe, iceberg, growler
keřbush, shrub
zábstbe* cold, freeze*, be* numb with cold
lebkaskull, cranium, death's head
webwebsite, the Web
kdyžthe thing is that, but
kecalchatterbox, chatterer, blatherskite, windbag
kecánítalk(ing), chat(ting), twaddle
kecattalk, drivel, chat, twaddle
keckaplimsoll, sneaker, trainer
keckaliar, fibber, chatterbox, boaster
kecnoutplop, splash, splotch
kečuánštinaQuechua, Quechuan language, Kechua(n)
kečup(tomato) ketchup, catchup, catsup