Nechtěli jste hledat:
kazflaw, imperfection, (tooth) decay, caries, defect, fault, blemish
vaz(back of the) neck, nape of the neck
hadsnake, serpent, ophidian
halahall, concourse, shed
mazoily secretion/substance
havraní(of a) rook, rook's
hazardgamble, risky business
hazardérgambler, chancer, daredevil
hazardérskýrisky, hazardous, reckless
hazardérstvígamble, gambling, recklessness
hazardnírisky, hazardous, foolhardy
hazardovánígambling , taking chances, running a risk
hazardovatgamble, take* chances, run* a risk
házená(team) handball