Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

partabunch, lot, pack, gang, mob, set, party

poctahomage, tribute, honour

poetapoet, swan, versifier

poutohandcuffs, shackles, cuffs

portopostage, postal charge

poštamail, post, postal service

karta(playing) card



poameričtitAmericanize, Americanise

PobaltíBaltic, the Baltics

pobaveněamusedly, with amusement

pobaveníamusement, entertainment, distraction

pobavenýamused, entertained

pobavitamuse, entertain, make* laugh

pobavit sehave* some fun/a good time, amuse , be* amused

pobavit sehave* a talk/chat , consult , discuss

pobídkaencouragement, incentive, stimulus, impetus, invitation, spur