Nechtěli jste hledat:
hanobitdefame, denigrate, malign, besmirch
hnojit(use) manure, fertilize, side-dress, dung, muck
hanlivýpejorative, derogatory, defamatory, denigratory, slanderous, disparaging, libellous
hanobenídefamation, defaming, denigration, vilification, besmirching
hanobiteldefamer, denigrator, detractor
hantýrkajargon, slang, argot, lingo, cant
happy endhappy ending
haraburdíjumble, rummage, junk, odds and ends, flotsam and jetsam
harampádíjumble, rummage, junk, odds and ends, flotsam and jetsam, oddments, bric-a-brac
háráníheat period
harašenírattle, rattling