Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

tonustone, tonus, tonicity

tonoutbe* drowning

trnthorn, prickle, spine

trnoutgo* numb, have* pins and needles , hurt*

tišequietly, softly, in a quiet voice

tišitcalm (down) , relieve, assuage

tišit sebe* subsiding, be* abating

tichýquiet, low, soft, hushed

linout sewaft, float, emanate

minoutgo* past, pass (by), travel by

minout semiss each other, pass each other

vinoutwind, wrap, reel

vinout secoil, twine

ti, ty, tathe, those

tyyou, thou, thee

tenthe, that

řinout sepour, run*, stream, gush, trickle

šinout semove slowly, nose, walk slowly

tisyew (tree)

tipnout (si)have*/take* a guess, guesstimate


tiptip, bet, guess(timate)

činaction, act, deed

tímtohereby, herewith, this way



típnoutstub out, crush out, grind* out


tipovatpredict, forecast*, spot

tirádatirade, rant, diatribe

tirážimprint, copyright page