Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

zbýtbe* left (over), remain

zrýtdig* (over), spade, turn up the earth


zhýčkanýpampered, spoilt, spoiled

zhypnotizovanýhypnotized, mesmerized, spellbound

zhypnotizovathypnotize, mesmerize, spellbind

zhýralecdebauchee, reveller, libertine

zhýralostdissoluteness, debauchery, licentiousness

zhýralýdebauched, dissolute, profligate, licentious

zchátralostdecrepitude, disrepair, dilapidation

zchátralýdilapidated, run-down, in disrepair, decrepit

zchátratfall* into disrepair, go* to rack and ruin, become* run-down, become* dilapidated

zchladitcool (down), chill