Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

růstgrowth, growing, accretion

růstgrow*, be* growing (up), develop

srůstadhesion, accretion, growing together

srůstgrow* together, knit*, heal up

vrůstgrow* in(to)/through

tropythe tropics

trosečníkcastaway, shipwreck survivor

troskaruins, wreck(age), debris, remains


troubelstem, pipe-stem

troubeníhooting, blowing the horn

troubithonk/hoot/blow* the horn, toot (the car horn), blare (the horn)

troudtinder, spunk, touchwood

troufalostdaring, boldness, presumption, impudence, insolence

troufalýdaring, bold, presumptuous, audacious, impudent