Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

pózapose, position, posture

pouzeonly, just, merely, simply, entirely

pouhýmere, scant, bare

porceportion, helping, serving

pihafreckle, lentigo

pod, podeunder, below, beneath, underneath


drzeimpudently, insolently, cheekily

drzýimpudent, insolent , cheeky, saucy, impertinent, brazen-faced, brash, forward

porvat sepick a fight*, be* in a brawl, tackle

korzoprom(enade), parade, alameda


portopostage, postal charge

pojitbind*, tie, connect

pojit sebe* connected , relate, be* related , be* associated, go*, be* involved

potsweat, perspiration


poppop (music)

popglue, leather adhesive


poradameeting, conference, discussion

poradceadviser, consultant, counsellor, counselor

poradenskýconsulting, consultancy, advisory

poradenstvíconsultancy, consulting, counselling

poraditadvise, counsel , give* advice

poradit seconsult , confer , discuss

poradit simanage, handle , cope , deal* , get* the better of, dispose of

poradnaadvice bureau, advisory centre

poradníconsultative, advisory