Hlavní obsah


Nechtěli jste hledat:

vlevoleft, (to the) left, on the left(-hand side), on left

slevadiscount, (price) reduction, mark-down

úlevarelief , easement, alleviation

plevachaff, (corn) husks

elegánsmart dresser, elegantly dressed man, swell

eleganceelegance, grace, style, flair, panache, chic(ness)

elegantněelegantly, with elegance, gracefully, smartly, stylishly

elegantníelegant, graceful, stylish, chic, dressy, smart, sleek, natty


elegičnostelegiac manner

elektrárenskýpower station/plant, power (generation)

elektrárnapower station/plant, powerhouse

elektrickýelectric, electrical, power
